
Documents and data linked via a single search

History of Education Switzerland wants to enable people to find data and documents relating to the history of education in Switzerland. To this aim, the portal links inventories coming from libraries, archives and research projects with a multilingual search interface. Most text documents are full-text searchable.

With the aim to answer to new challenges in the field of the research in the history of education, the association wants to increase the number of links from our portal to collections with non linguistic sources, such as pictures, audiovisual documents or school objects.

Do you want to bring your digitized documents or data into our portal? – Write to our editorial team.

Integrated inventories

Data from the research project «Bildung in Zahlen»

This project, realised by the University of Zürich (Prof. Lucien Criblez) and financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation, has produced many historical data about education in Switzerland (statistical long-term series, graphics about school systems, lists of cantonal school laws). All these generated documents are open to use for anyone and are accessible in easily convertible formats (CSV, PDF) in a database hosted by the Swiss National Service and Data Center for the Humanities (DaSCH).

Inventories of the Pestalozzianum Foundation

This big collection of documents conserves 60’000 children’s drawings, 15’000 glass slides, 3000 wall maps for schooling, heritage from important persons in Swiss education in the 19th and 20th century. All those documents are accessible via the Stiftung Pestalozzianum Public Archive.The foundation has also digitised print sources on the platforms e-rara and E-Periodica The whole collection is managed by the Pestalozzianum Research Library of the Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich.

Inventories of libraries on e-rara

The e-rara platform, run by the Library of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, gives access to print sources. We have integrated in our portal documents coming from the Pestalozzianum Foundation and from the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland Biblioteca del Dipartimento formazione e apprendimento della SUPSI.

Journals on E-Periodica

The E-Periodica platform, run by the Library of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, gives access to historical journals and periodicals. Our portal links to selected journals conserved by the Swiss National Library, the Pestalozzianum Foundation and other libraries.

Archive materials from the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland SUPSI

This collection conserves historical documents from and about history of schooling in Italian-speaking Switzerland (wall maps, textbooks, laws und curricula, exercise books etc.). Most of these documents have been commented on (website in Italian only).

ScriptaPaedagogica from the Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF

We’ve linked the portal ScriptaPaedagogica of this very important research library in Germany, because it conserves documents that have been studied, read and discussed in Switzerland. Here you can find books for children, school journals, pedagogical documents etc.