The project
History of Education Switzerland
The portal History of Education Switzerland enables researchers, students, teachers and interested members of the public to carry out discipline-specific and multilingual research on sources and data relating to the history of education in Switzerland. Digital sources on the history of education are accessible through a search mask. The
The inventory provides access to a wide range of sources and data that can be searched and investigated, such as journals, textbooks, exercise books and children’s drawings, but also reusable data from research projects. The faceted search makes it possible to filter the investigated objects: one can research only a certain text type, only a specific kind of file format or only documents from a specific collection. The core function of the portal is the combined metadata and full-text search. The portal can be used in an English, French, German and Italian version.
A first prototype of the portal has been established in 2017-2018 in the context of the Bildung in Zahlen research project financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and has been powered by Eurospider Information Technology AG. Since November 2020, the portal is run by an association. In cooperation with the IT department of the University Library of the University of Basel, arbim IT and OUTERMEDIA GmbH, the current version of the portal has been realised in 2024 with the support of swissuniversities and in collaboration with the University of Applied sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) as part of the CHORD programme (Swiss Open Research Data Grants). The portal is to be continuously updated with new digitised archive materials and open research data that is relevant to the history of education in Switzerland.
Your digitised documents and data on History of Education Switzerland
As the supporting organisation behind the portal, the Förderverein Bildungsgeschichte Schweiz is happy to help new sources and research data on the history of education to become more visible and easier to find through access via our search engine. Please contact the editorial team for any further information. If you want to support our project, you find further information on this page.
Technical realisation and service
Universitätsbibliothek Basel, IT Abteilung
arbim IT
Design, User Interaction, Front-End
History of Education Switzerland was realised using software components that are used and developed for swisscollections. Exclusively open-source software components are used.
- User inferface: vufind
- Search engine: Apache Solr
- Data platform: Apache Kafka
- Infrastructure: Kubernetes cluster, University Basel IT-Services
Source Code
Project group inside the Association
- Stefan Kessler, project lead for the new version
- Wolfgang Sahlfeld, project lead for the part financed by swissuniversities
- Andreas Hoffmann-Ocon
- Giorgia Masoni
Scientific advisory group
The tasks of following the project and giving scientific input have been guaranteed by the members of the Working group History of Education of the Swiss Society for Research in Education SSRE.
The project has been realised thanks to the following persons and institutions:
- ETH-Bibliothek
- Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF
- Dipartimento formazione e apprendimento della Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI-DFA/ASP)
- Forschungsbibliothek Pestalozzianum der Pädagogischen Hochschule Zürich
- Stiftung Pestalozzianum
- Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities (DaSCH)
- Verein swisscollections
- Verein swissuniversities
In particular, we would like to thank Gregor Bachmann, Andreas Baumann, Anne Bosche, Michael Ehrismann, Jürgen Enge, Stefan Kern, Jennifer Mazzarella, Lars Müller, Simon Oldeboershuis, Stefania Petralia, Alberto Piatti, Christina Rothen, Thomas Ruoss, Peter Schäuble, Monika Studer, Daniela Subotic, Kilian Schmidtner, Muller van As, Lionel Walter, Yvonne Wilke and Silvia Witzig.