The Project

Project Goals

The History of Education knowledge portal enables researchers, students, teachers and interested members of the public to carry out discipline-specific and multilingual research on sources and data relating to the history of education research in Switzerland. Various digital sources on the history of education are accessible through a search mask.

This site offers an easy way for researchers to publish their data in the field of history of education as laid out by the SNF open research data strategy's research data management plan.

Project Organisation

Subject specific experts

Working Group History of Education (SGBF)

Core project team (technical development phase)

Stefan Kessler; Christina Rothen; Thomas Ruoss (-2018); Lucien Criblez (University of Zurich)
Project lead

Peter Schäuble (Eurospider Information Technology AG)
Search engine development

Amanda Sauter & Mauro Bieg (
Frontend design and development

Sergio Maffioletti (S3IT, University of Zurich)
Backend and long-term-repository (Coordination DaSCH)

Carmen Flury (-2019), Tamara Lehner-Loosli, Lars Heinzer, Raffaela de Vries (University of Zurich)
Project team Bildung in Zahlen (Education by Numbers)

We would like to thank the employees of: the Dipartimento formazione e apprendimento della Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI DFA), the Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF (BBF) (the DIPF library for research in the history of education), the Swiss federal archives, the Zurich state archives, the Zurich central library (ZB), the ETH library, and the Pestalozzianum foundation. Our thanks also go to Flavian Imlig, Wolfgang Saalfeld, Lars Müller, Anja Giudici, Giorgia Masoni, Alexandre Fontaine, Karin Manz, Caroline Suter and Simon Allemann for their valuable support.
